घर > समाचार > नई उत्पाद जारी > New arrival ! The mask VT102 of 3-D design
उद्योग समाचार
नई उत्पाद जारी
उत्पाद समाचार
कंपनी समाचार
संपर्क करें
गुआंगज़ौ जेटी इलेक्ट्रॉनिक लिमिटेड कंपनी
तल 2 बिल्डिंग 2, टियांलिंग इंडस्ट्री टाउन, जिआहे स्ट्रीट, बायुन जिला, गुआंगज़ौ, चीन। टेलीः 0086-020-36459972
ईमेल: sanieleung@dor-medex.com
वेबसाइट: EN.dor-medex.com अभी संपर्क करें

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New arrival ! The mask VT102 of 3-D design

sanie medexpro 2017-09-01 10:45:43

Nowadays,it is a common things to wear mask for many reason which including PM2.5,dust , disease infection, industrial pollution and so on .Until recently, masks were primarily worn by people who had already come down with an illness. If you were feeling under the weather but couldn’t take the day off, common courtesy dictated that you cover your mouth and nose with a mask, so as not to breathe your germs all over you class or office mates or fellow commuters.

Therefore,a new product Head mask VT102 was born.

• Unique shape design allows low profile and good fit
• Enhanced comfort due to easily adjustable nose bridge
• High density and high degradation mask for PM2.5

If you are interested in it,pls contact me directly.
