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उद्योग समाचार
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उत्पाद समाचार
कंपनी समाचार
संपर्क करें
गुआंगज़ौ जेटी इलेक्ट्रॉनिक लिमिटेड कंपनी
तल 2 बिल्डिंग 2, टियांलिंग इंडस्ट्री टाउन, जिआहे स्ट्रीट, बायुन जिला, गुआंगज़ौ, चीन। टेलीः 0086-020-36459972
ईमेल: sanieleung@dor-medex.com
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petbrush उपयोगकर्ता पुस्तिका

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A perfect "smart measuring" spoon

Oriental qualitative thinking: a spoonful of vinegar for stir-fry, a pinch of salt, a few peppercorns, rarely as precise as western quantitative think...

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A perfect "smart measuring" spoon

sanie medexpro 2018-09-17 15:34:55
Oriental qualitative thinking: a spoonful of vinegar for stir-fry, a pinch of salt, a few peppercorns, rarely as precise as western quantitative thinking, 5 grams of salt, 2 milliliters of vinegar, and so on.
People always use a spoon to get more things, and finally they need to use their hands or knives to erase the excess. This "intelligent measurement" spoon consists of two parts. Connected by a slip to a closed state when not in use. When used, slide the spoon open and fill it with what you want to take, and finally slide the spoon again to close it so that you get exactly one scoop out.
Western quantitative thinking in the design of the classic business.