श्रेणियाँ ब्राउज़ करें
मेडिकल डिजिटल थर्मामीटर
केएन 95 धूल मास्क
गैर संपर्क इन्फ्रारेड थर्मामीटर
संपर्क करें
गुआंगज़ौ जेटी इलेक्ट्रॉनिक लिमिटेड कंपनी
तल 2 बिल्डिंग 2, टियांलिंग इंडस्ट्री टाउन, जिआहे स्ट्रीट, बायुन जिला, गुआंगज़ौ, चीन। टेलीः 0086-020-36459972
ईमेल: sanieleung@dor-medex.com
वेबसाइट: EN.dor-medex.com अभी संपर्क करें

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Head mask VT102Head mask VT102Head mask VT102Head mask VT102

Head mask VT102

  • Brand:VIGORT
  • Specifications:average size
  • Model:VT101
  • Material:non-woven fabrics+meltblown
  • Wearing:ear mask worn
  • Operating cycles:better to replace about 7 days
  • Scope of application:PM2.5,dust,haze,disease infection
  • Executive standard:GB2626-2006 KN95

Anti polution Head mask VT102 dust mask respirator.

• Unique shape design allows low profile and good fit
• Enhanced comfort due to easily adjustable nose bridge
• High density and high degradation mask for PM2.5

Key Features
• Unique shape design allows low profile and good fit
• Enhanced comfort due to easily adjustable nose bridge
• Extra smooth foam strip inside the mask
• Easy to breathe through because of robust filter media
• For dust and fog environment
• Professional microfiber media
• High degradation material

Applicable scope
  Masks can be used to protect non oily particles,reduce the odor of some oganic compounds.
It not only in time to isolate bacteria, dust in the air, haze, and can better protect the respiratory tract, and facial skin.
Non oily particulates:dust(mineral property,metallic dust fiber dust)pollen and haze,which can be use to protect environment air pollution fine particle PM 2.5.
Can’t be suitable for:
Respirators do not produce oxygen,not in oxygen-deficient environment.
This respirator helps protect against certain particles,misuse can result in sickness or death.

Steps for usage
Step 1: Select the correct respirator size which you were fitted.
Step 2: Place your palm through the loops of your respirator and cup it over your face.
Step 3: Position the respirator to cover the nose and chin.
Step 4: With one hand holding the respirator, use the other hand to place the first strap onto the crown of the head (above the ears), then place the second strap onto the back of the neck.
Step 5: Using two fingers of both hands, press down the metal piece according to the contour of your nose bridge. (NEVER PINCH THE METAL PIECE!)
Step 6: With both hands over the respirator, exhale strongly to check for leakage around it.
Step 7: Leakage is evident when your hair moves during the strong exhale. If wearing glasses, fogging of the glasses indicate leakage.
Step 8: If air leak is noted, adjust respirator, straps, and nose piece before testing again.

To remove the respirator:
Step 1: With both hands, slowly lift the bottom strap from around your neck up and over your head.
Step 2: Lift off the top strap. Do not touch the respirator.

गुआंगज़ौ जेटी इलेक्ट्रॉनिक लिमिटेड कंपनी

टेलीफोन:+86 18824100917

संपर्क व्यक्ति:Sanie Leung

पीडीएफ शो:पीडीएफ

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