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Maska proti prachu KN95
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VT103 neck masks can be printed logo OEM

VT103 neck masks can be printed logo OEM

  • Brand:VIGORT
  • Specifications:average size
  • Material:non-woven fabrics+meltblown
  • Wearing:neck mask worn
  • Operating cycles:better to replace about 7 days
  • Scope of application:PM2.5,dust,haze,disease infection
  • Executive standard:GB2626-2006 KN95

Medexpro provides top quality masks which can be printed logo .If you are interested ,pls enquiry me .

Our masks are all 3D design and there are six kinds.

Customers items

The custom product itself belongs to the particularity.After confirming the customized sample,the product cannot be changed.It is suggested to confirm the information with the customer service before production.

Steps for usage

Perform hand hygiene before putting on mask.

Choose the correct size of the mask and ensure there are no defects.
1.Hold the VT103 in your palm with the nosepiece at fingertips,hang ear straps freely below hand.
2.Position the 103v under your chin with the nosepiece up.
While holding the VT103 in place,pull the two straps over each ear.
3.And then pull the hoop to another strap,make it in place on the neck.
4.If you have long hair,the strap must be positioned beneath your hair.
Position the VT103 low on your nose.
5.Using both hands,mold the nosepiece to the shape of your nose by pushing downward and outward.
While moving your fingertips down both sides of the nosepiece.
6.perform a fit check by placing both hands completely over the mask.
Be careful not to disturb the position and exhale sharply.
If airleaks around your nose,adjust the nosepiece as described in step 5.
If air leaks at the mask edges,adjust the straps back along the sides of your head.
Perform fit check again if an adjustment is made.

Professional manufacturer of mask with enough in stock.

Štítek: maska
Guangzhou JT elektronická společnost s ručením omezeným

Tel:+86 18824100917

Kontaktní osoba:Sanie Leung

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